Mon, 25 April 2016
This week on the Casual Shenanigans Gaming podcast, we review Dark Souls 3, see how it performs on The Potato Masher, and talk about the week's news! Support us on Patreon!
Announcements 3:00 - Main Topic 1:11:43 - News Mail Time 90 Seconds With Joel What Are You Playing This Week? Wrap-up
Direct download: 2016_4_21_CSG_142_-_What_We_Think_About_Dark_Souls_3.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:22am EDT |
Wed, 20 April 2016
Casual Shenanigans Tech is the purely pc hardware-focused version of Casual Shenanigans Gaming. We answer your hardware questions (write in at on a bi-weekly basis! You can get the show early by supporting us on Patreon, or watch them a week later here on YouTube or listen in iTunes! Write into the show at: Our Teamspeak server: Follow us on Twitter: Here is the RSS feed for the show: Support us on Patreon! Here is the iTunes link for the show:
9:40 - Rey
Direct download: 2016_4_13_Casual_Shenanigans_Tech_Episode_15.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:27am EDT |
Tue, 19 April 2016
Subscribe to our YouTube channel! We also have a new website: Join our GTA Online Crew, The Seal Slappers: Write into the show at: Stay up to date with CSG and play with us: Our Teamspeak server: Follow us on Twitter: Here is the RSS feed for the show: Support us on Patreon! Here is the iTunes link for the show:
Direct download: 20167_4_Conspiracy_Theories_-_Casual_Conversations.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:51am EDT |
Mon, 18 April 2016
This week on the Casual Shenanigans Gaming podcast, we talk about cheating in games, Joel yells about memes, and we talk about what we're playing this week. Support us on Patreon!
Announcements Patreon Thank-yous What Are You Playing This Week? News Mail Time 90 Seconds With Joel Wrap-up |
Mon, 11 April 2016
This week on the Casual Shenanigans Gaming podcast, we talk about cheating in games, Joel yells about memes, and we talk about what we're playing this week. Support us on Patreon!
Episode 140 Show Notes Announcements 4:50 - What are you playing this week? 27:20 - Main Topic 1:09:10 - News 1:25:45 - Mail Time 1:48:00 - 90 Seconds With Joel 1:58:00 - Wrap-up |
Fri, 1 April 2016
This week on the Casual Shenanigans Gaming podcast, we answer some "Would You Rather" questions, read your emails, and much more. Support us on Patreon!